Thursday, July 4, 2019


The four basic tests of a cult are:

1) Add to the Bible as equal spiritual authority. It could be a book like the Book of Mormon or the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

2) Subtract from the divinity of Jesus Christ or add to the fallen nature of mankind. Again, Mormonism does this by subtly making Jesus Christ a created being and human beings born of spiritual beings.

3) Add good works apart from God's commands in some fashion to earn salvation. The Bible condemns the "filthy rags" type of good works noted in the book of Isaiah where human beings do good works to earn God's favor. I would disagree with Watchman Fellowship that any good works apart from receiving Christ as Savior is a dead work. Doing what Jesus commands in His Word requires faith such as tithing, doing His will, etc.

4) Divide loyalty of men between God and the organization in question.

*Modified from the tests developed by the ministry, Watchman Fellowship.