Thursday, July 4, 2019


The four basic tests of a cult are:

1) Add to the Bible as equal spiritual authority. It could be a book like the Book of Mormon or the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

2) Subtract from the divinity of Jesus Christ or add to the fallen nature of mankind. Again, Mormonism does this by subtly making Jesus Christ a created being and human beings born of spiritual beings.

3) Add good works apart from God's commands in some fashion to earn salvation. The Bible condemns the "filthy rags" type of good works noted in the book of Isaiah where human beings do good works to earn God's favor. I would disagree with Watchman Fellowship that any good works apart from receiving Christ as Savior is a dead work. Doing what Jesus commands in His Word requires faith such as tithing, doing His will, etc.

4) Divide loyalty of men between God and the organization in question.

*Modified from the tests developed by the ministry, Watchman Fellowship.

Thursday, April 25, 2019


that the Lion's Den Society started supporting this April 2019.

Sunday, February 24, 2019


After having a few Twitter “discussions” this past week, it became clear to me how easy it is to take the focus of Christianity, i.e. our faith, away from Jesus Christ! It’s easy because our rebellious, arrogant sinful nature has a problem with having to rely on Jesus Christ for our eternal salvation. We would prefer to do it ourselves or at least use another human being or organization so we can derive some sense of importance or self-righteousness from them. I can sense this attitude rising up in myself at times… is from the pit of hell, by the way!

But the truth is, as I Timothy 2:5 notes, “For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus…” And as the prophet Isaiah notes, “all are righteous deeds are like filthy rags…”

The reality is…after the literal fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, human beings were without hope EXCEPT THAT….God’s pronounced judgment on the serpent (Satan), gave hope to humanity by promising a coming Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Genesis 3:15 notes, “And I will put enmity between your seed and her (Eve’s) Seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.”  Adam and Eve fell in the Garden of Eden because they were deceived by Satan to believe God was holding out on them, because of fleshly lusts and because of our sinful desire to be righteous and wise without God.

The reality that humanity is condemned to eternity without God in hell is a given because of our sinful nature.

Indeed, John 3:13 is an eye opener. It notes, “No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is the Son of Man, who is in heaven.”  Even Abraham, our father in faith, was per Luke 16:24 held in a place apart from hell, a waiting place. However, Abraham, Noah, Moses, David, the Old Testament prophets and others living righteously by faith alone were not admitted to heaven until Jesus died for their sins.

The truth is we owe Jesus an INFINITE THANKS, as well as praise and worship for dying to save our souls. No other man, church, organization, ritual, or sacrament can take Jesus’ place. Jesus is an integral part of these things but there is no one way to be saved apart from Jesus Christ. The fact that many don’t appreciate Jesus’ work for us is evidence of an “attitude problem” that will lead them to hell. From God’s perspective, HE offered His only begotten Son for our salvation, rejecting Jesus means YOU CHOOSE TO GO TO HELL, where God is not present!

Indeed, only Jesus IS THE WAY! John 14:6 notes, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through Me.” On his show, “The Story of God,” actor Morgan Freeman said one of the things he learned was that everyone’s truth is their truth. COMPLETE NONSENSE! Pope Francis recently came out, in the name of peace, and said that both Muslims and Christians and anyone who worships a god, worship the same God. WRONG! BLASPHEMOUSLY WRONG! This is manifestly wrong and offensive to the true God, specifically Jesus Christ, since it wrongly removes Jesus Christ from the Godhead. You can’t “gloss over” the utterly essential role of Jesus Christ for human salvation. A proper view of God means viewing things from God’s perspective, not based on our own human wishful thinking! A Roman Catholic pope who has said Mass hundreds of times should know better and will have to answer for such blatantly false teaching, denying the divinity of Jesus Christ.

Religion isn’t about a Masonic global peace or appeasing pagans. It is about worshiping God in “spirit and in truth.” There is A TRUTH and you can know it! God isn’t about making human beings feel all “touchy-feely” and deceived that they are OK and the “everyone’s truth is their truth” nonsense. Does this apply anywhere else in human study or science? Sorry, but Christianity is fundamentally at odds with Islam and every other pagan world religion. They CAN NOT BOTH BE TRUE!

We owe our eternal salvation to Jesus Christ. He is worthy to be trusted as our Lord and Savior! Religion is not a democracy! God makes the rules. If no human beings were on God’s side, then “news flash”: the true God still wins! 

The bottom line really is….”For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes (a very active, not a passive belief) in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16. John 3:18 makes it clear, “…he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”

If you would like to donate to my GoFundMe page please go to or donate directly to my church, the Lion’s Den Society, by with as the payment email address. May God bless you per Genesis 12:3 as you give. I will pray God’s blessings on your life according to Psalm 23, Psalm 103 and John 10:10.