Saturday, December 15, 2018


I hooked up with Umair in 2018, when he sent me a Friend Request on Facebook. Umair is doing the work of an evangelist and helping the poor and orphans in Gojra, Punjab state of Pakistan. It has been a joy to get to know Umair and chat with him regularly on WhatsApp. 

The Lion's Den Society helps to support Umair and his work financially in the Muslim-dominated nation of Pakistan. Also, Daniel O. helps Umair with Christian teaching & discipleship to increase his growth and understanding of the Word, as well as with financial management, budgeting, problem solving and planning for his efforts there. Daniel also helps Umair to increase his knowledge and understanding of English so he can outreach to Americans and others about his needs and share his story. 

Please contact the Lion's Den Society at 406-591-7291 (call or text) or email Daniel O'Hara at if you would like to support Umair directly. I can attest that Umair has a sweet, loving spirit and a genuine heart to do God's work in Pakistan-- a land beset with rampant and institutional discrimination against Christians. 

Umair with Amara, one of his young Christian sisters he ministers to in Pakistan. The Lion's Den Society supports Umair and these people in prayer and with monetary support. The situation of these people in Pakistan is quite harsh given the hostility and antichrist nature of Islam. According to Genesis 12:3, may the Lord "bless those who bless " His people and "curse those who curse them" in Pakistan and around the world in Jesus' name. Amen.
Umair with Naseem, one of the orphans he ministers to in the Punjab area of Pakistan.

Umair, eating with a group of orphan Christian children in Pakistan.
Pastor Umair preparing to baptize some new converts in a water tank in Pakistan.

Pastor Umair passing out gifts to orphan children he ministers to in Pakistan.

One of Pastor Umair's friends, doing some of the nasty work Christians in Pakistan end up doing in light of Muslim discrimination, cleaning sewers.