Saturday, December 15, 2018


I hooked up with Umair in 2018, when he sent me a Friend Request on Facebook. Umair is doing the work of an evangelist and helping the poor and orphans in Gojra, Punjab state of Pakistan. It has been a joy to get to know Umair and chat with him regularly on WhatsApp. 

The Lion's Den Society helps to support Umair and his work financially in the Muslim-dominated nation of Pakistan. Also, Daniel O. helps Umair with Christian teaching & discipleship to increase his growth and understanding of the Word, as well as with financial management, budgeting, problem solving and planning for his efforts there. Daniel also helps Umair to increase his knowledge and understanding of English so he can outreach to Americans and others about his needs and share his story. 

Please contact the Lion's Den Society at 406-591-7291 (call or text) or email Daniel O'Hara at if you would like to support Umair directly. I can attest that Umair has a sweet, loving spirit and a genuine heart to do God's work in Pakistan-- a land beset with rampant and institutional discrimination against Christians. 

Umair with Amara, one of his young Christian sisters he ministers to in Pakistan. The Lion's Den Society supports Umair and these people in prayer and with monetary support. The situation of these people in Pakistan is quite harsh given the hostility and antichrist nature of Islam. According to Genesis 12:3, may the Lord "bless those who bless " His people and "curse those who curse them" in Pakistan and around the world in Jesus' name. Amen.
Umair with Naseem, one of the orphans he ministers to in the Punjab area of Pakistan.

Umair, eating with a group of orphan Christian children in Pakistan.
Pastor Umair preparing to baptize some new converts in a water tank in Pakistan.

Pastor Umair passing out gifts to orphan children he ministers to in Pakistan.

One of Pastor Umair's friends, doing some of the nasty work Christians in Pakistan end up doing in light of Muslim discrimination, cleaning sewers.

Thursday, November 1, 2018


In this Christimas season, we often hear (or perhaps we used to hear it more, haha) the saying, "It is more blessed to give than receive." That's from the Bible, by the way. Acts 20:35, to be exact. Admittedly, I always thought it was a nice, fluffy thing to say when I was younger, but is it? IT IS.

How exactly does a return come to the giver. Aside, from the nice feeling you may get from helping someone less fortunate, I thought it would be fun to jot down some of the more tangible blessings of giving.

They include:
*Favor, from God and man. Giving honors Proverbs 3:3-4, so you get favor from "God and man" as that verse indicates. Even pursusing righteousness by caring for your pets (Proverbs 12:10), provides favor from God according to Proverbs 21:3.
*Perhaps, like me, your eyes may be opened, to character issues or a trait you may be weak on that could help you materially, if addressed.
*Kindness to the poor makes God your debtor, as Proverbs 19:17 notes, and He will repay you for your good deed. Good deeds don't save your soul, but God will repay you.
*A recent offering I made, saved me money as the Lord led me to a less expensive but more effective choice in business.
*Giving can be returned by receiving insight about some assets that you aren't using or forgot about, a comforter for your bed or a crock pot, you received as gifts but never opened, for example.
*Or insight again, about an unused item that can be sold, if not used or needed. Perhaps, you realize those old dumbbell weights could be sold at a place like Play-It Again Sports, without being missed.
*Perhaps, your previously closed mind, may be humbled or opened to new options or closed to unprofitable ones you may be currently pursuing.
*Customers you didn't have before, suddenly show up.
*Maybe, you suddenly, easily lose a few of those stubborn lbs (empowered by God), and the return is feeling better about yourself or saving money on, buying some new clothes.

The Word tells us that the return on giving can be enhanced--by being cheerful (II Corinthians 9:7) or praising God (Psalm 100:4). It can be shriveled by murmuring or complaining against God. I know I've done it. It can delay your blessing. The Lord said of the children of Israel in Numbers 14:34-35, "According to the number of the days in which you spied out the land, forty days, for each day you shall bear your guilt one year, namely forty years, and you shall know my rejection. I, the Lord, have spoken this. I will surely do so to all this evil congregation who are gathered together against Me. In this wilderness they shall be consumed, and there they shall die."

Every so often, I've hear folks get down on giving....saying "the Bible doesn't work," "that used to work but recently not so much." Big time, caution though....murmuring is hated by God. It is yet another reason we need to fear Him, and not presume on His grace. As noted previously, the children of Israel had to wander 40 years in the wilderness because of it.

Well, I have kind of "preached myself happy", as Kenneth Copeland says, by writing this message because I realize the true power in giving....and the different forms God gives back to you when you give.

Originally written 12/24/2013.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

WORK OF PASTOR O IN AFRICA (Lion's Den Society has supported ).

Photos and detailed information about Pastor O kept confidential due to government regulations and concerns in this particular country in Africa.

Pastor O (intentionally cropped off on the left) preaching at a market in Africa.

What we are doing in the markets when we have money to hire a Public Address System. Below is the work that we do in Prisons and take bibles to inmates. 


Bible study is our main tool to bring people back into the ways of God. Through small savings, I have been purchasing few copies of the bibles which are enabling them to find the truth and live Biblical standard life.

One of the schools I am visiting and teaching young people the ways of God.

Dear brother Daniel, these are just a sample of the work God is doing through us. Without finances it is hard to fulfill what we want to do for God. I really want to reach more souls in markets when I have our own equipments and if God bless us with a vehicle will be nice to move around markets, schools, Prisons to spread the gospel.

Pray for our needs as we also pray for you.