Saturday, July 1, 2017

Dangers to the Soul

The Parable of the Sower found in Matthew 13 provides the inspiration for this posting, at least in part.

This parable addresses how the human heart will respond to the Gospel.

The parable addresses four possible responses:
  • Either total rejection from the hard path,
  • Initial joy squelched by worldly pressures,
  • Growth being choked out by the thorns of worldly concerns of life, wealth, etc., and
  • Finally the good soil that produces "thirty, sixty and one-hundred fold."
In brief some of the dangers to our soul, the hazards of living on this planet, can be:
  • Sexual sins and lusts
  • Misplaced loyalty to a person or organization rather than ultimately to God's Word/ Jesus Christ
  • A desire to conform to or be part of the world
  • A concern for worldly promotion, wealth and advancement
  • Dissipation, i.e. reckless living, partying, vain pursuit of pleasure
  • Societal pressures
  • Fear
  • And even being misled by false teaching about God's Word by not "rightly dividing" it properly according to II Timothy 2:15.

Originally written 8/25/2016.