Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The USA is choosing wickedness and a curse!

The situation in the USA is truly becoming appalling on the moral front! God's grace and mercy towards this nation is truly amazing!

The recent despicable and lawless actions of the Obama Administration, specifically Attorney General Eric Holder's statement that state Attorneys General could pick and choose which laws to defend is a case a point. Holder's statement was in reference to the numerous traditional marriage amendments in place in states across the nation.

Also, sadly Arizona's Gov. Jan Brewer caved to the browbeating and bullying from far-reaching sources from GOP Senator John McCain to Apple, and vetoed a religious freedom protection bill.

And then there are the Non-Discrimination Ordinances sweeping cities across the nation, including cities in sparsely populated Montana like Butte, Helena and Missoula with consideration in Billings and Bozeman. These laws have been used as a way to vilify and silence moral objection to the sinful homosexual lifestyle choice. They also show the truly "in-your-face", foolishly, wicked attitude of many Americans toward God.

Another appalling and galling thing is that so many professing Christians are effectively on the side of the wicked. I say this because, while many Christians profess to acknowledge the sin of homosexuality and others, they won't take a stand against sin, or they condemn those who do. Proverbs 28:4 is instructive! Such folks seem to resemble the Foolish Virgins of Matthew 25 or the lukewarm Laodicean church of the book of Revelation, or perhaps even those with a "form of godliness but denying its power" noted in II Timothy 3:5.  I have encountered true malice and hatred from such church-going folks and the Bible does note in Psalm 34:21, "...all those who hate the righteous will be condemned." I pray that God would have mercy on them to open their eyes to this truth!

But God's Word does say He brings wrath and judgment as well. The Lord does not owe mercy to us, America! Grace, no. He doesn't owe you that either! He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and punished His chosen people, Israel. He is certainty able to do the same to the USA.

China, Russia and perhaps Iran and others could quite easily attack this nation without the Lord's hand of protection. Why would the Lord have any reason to hold back our destruction in the face of our wholesale arrogant sell-out to wickedness? His wrath is promised in Romans 1:18 to those that "suppress the truth in unrighteousness." Or perhaps China could simply lead an economic war against this nation as she moves to liquidate her holdings of US debt and dollars in favor of gold. It's December 2013 China sold off nearly $50 billion worth. The U.S. dollar could resemble the German mark in the hyper-inflation days of the Weimar Republic. Obama-Care could be irrelevant.

Hosea 9:7, Psalm 9:17, Habakkuk 1:1-4 and Proverbs 1:20-32 are relevant to this apostate, once great nation. In Proverbs 1:26, the Lord perhaps speaking directing to America says, "I in turn will laugh at your disaster; I will mock when calamity overtakes you--when calamity overtakes you like a storm..."
May God have mercy on America to open our eyes to the danger of our situation!

Also, I must add a reference to Psalm 105:15 and Genesis 12:3 to those who wish me harm. "Contend, O Lord, with those who contend with me" is my biblical prayer.

I would also ask for your donations, per Ecclesiastes 11:2, which notes, "Give portions to seven, yes to eight, for you do not know what disaster may come upon the land."  Also see Proverbs 11:24.