This post is due to God's leading per Proverbs 3:5-6. I often wonder if the typical, run-of-the-mill American Christian (no offense intended) actually believes that God can lead someone, especially if said leading violates their own religious traditions.
After attending the local Roman Catholic church last Sunday, I found the Lord bringing to mind for meditation repeatedly, Hebrews 4:12. This verse notes, "...the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword...a discerner of the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."
And, also I was led to Mark 7:7-8, where Jesus said, "And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men--the washing of pitchers and cups, and many other such things you do."
Now, not to just pick on the Roman Catholic Church, I thought I would share some of the modern-day American "traditions of men" following by many professing Christians of various denominations such as:
*Reciting three Hail Marys in the morning and in the evening as a proven way to become perfect or holy,
*Bowing before receiving Holy Communion at Mass,
*Avoiding taking a stand against sin for fear of being labeled "judgmental",
*Criticising the Catholic Church correctly for considering the Pope to be infallible in matters of "faith and morals" when in reality many Protestant, Evangelical and Pentecostal church pastors are considered or consider themselves to be "Popes", in their own right,
*Concluding foolishly that one in need of financial assistance is necessarily violating the apostle Paul's injunction in II Thessalonians 3:10, that "...If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat" without listening to such a person's particular situation (Proverbs 18:13).
*Putting the laws of men above the commands of God or even a higher human law such as the U.S. Constitution. An example would be the aversion, to the point of almost considering to be evil, political thoughts, comments or speech in religious meetings. The prophet Daniel clearly showed there is a time for disregarding human laws when they conflict with a higher divine law,
*Considering foolishly and misguidedly that building the Keystone pipeline through the heartland of America is to be evil because it contributes to the human-caused global warming hoax,
*Considering oneself to be superior when faced with human need, justifying a lack of helping someone because they aren't good stewards, typically in the eyes of the one being asked, when in actuality they may themselves be tested per Proverbs 28:27,
*Becoming disgruntled or self-righteously offended at a bold Christian who is perceived or judged wrongly to be "unloving" because of their stands for God's commands, such as opposing the sin of homosexuality, which shows a Proverbs 28:4 issue, and
*Sadly, a tendency to adopt the foolish, wrath-provoking attitude of Job's friends (Job 42:7-8) in the face of another's adversity to soothe one's own self-righteous ways and superficial, "feel-good" theology.
I hope this posting will encourage some of you to live by the Bible, and not men's commands. Also, if you are feeling genuine hatred towards me because of my thoughts see Psalm 34:21, or wish to suppress me see Romans 1:18, or wish to harm me see Psalm 105:15 or curse me with your thoughts, words or actions see Genesis 12:3.
God Bless!