Saturday, September 8, 2012

On the Reality of Hell !!!

Definitely, one of the most politically "incorrect" topics, whether it be in social conversation, on Facebook, or even at church, is concerning the reality of the existence of a literal hell.

Human beings definitely have an aversion to the topic. Some Christians believe a loving God wouldn't send anyone there, Jehovah's Witnesses think the soul just falls asleep at death, and unchurched teenagers find the topic quite "uncool." It is interesting to me why atheists get so upset about a place that they are quite sure doesn't exist.

Anyway, the Bible tells us hell does exist and Jesus Christ mentioned hell numerous times.

I just want to use this post to share SOME verses about hell and its purpose:
*Hell is the "default" destination after death for those who have rejected Jesus Christ (John 3:18-19),
*Hell, aka Sheol, keeps expanding (Proverbs 27:20),
*Those in hell are in intense pain (Luke 16:19-31, Mark 47 and Matthew 5:22),
*There are different places in hell including outer darkness (Matthew 25:30), the lake of fire (Revelation 20:15), places of chains and gloomy darkness reserved for angels (II Peter 2:4), and places of torment and fire (Luke 16:23-24),
*Hell is eternal (Matthew 25:41, 46),
*The Bible indicates that "many" are on the road to destruction but "few" find the road to life (Matthew 7:13-14), which has unpleasant implications for much of humanity, and
*Hell is a place of punishment originally prepared for the devil and his angels (Matthew 25:41).

I would also recommend the book, "A Divine Revelation of Hell" by Mary K. Baxter and the web site, These resources feature the testimonies of people who have visited hell. I have found them to be truthful because they confirm what the Bible says about hell.

Hell can be avoided by repenting of sin and turning to faith in Jesus Christ. In John 3:16, Jesus said, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life."

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Announcing Daniel O'Hara's Twitter Account.

Daniel O'Hara, the Lion's Den Society's Founder, President and Contract Pastor started his own personal Twitter account recently at lionsden888. The account will not be directly associated with the Lion's Den Society since it is Mr. O'Hara personal account but will feature regular Bible verses of interest (currently from the old Testament book of Proverbs and the Gospel of John), as well as spiritual insights and comments on current events.