The following post is about the religion (or some may say the ideology) of Islam.
The growth of Islam is a trend that will likely affect many now and into the future. Furthermore, there is a peculiar trend in the West.
It seems Islam is often given a "pass" when there are glaring problems (vicious intolerance and bigotry, deceit, anti-Semitism, terrorism, and violence to name a few)with the so-called religion of peace. So, I guess this posting is also about "equal time." The news media, politicians, and religious leaders aren't telling the whole story. Some may call this posting bigoted, "Islamophobic," hateful, etc. etc. I would call it integrity and telling the truth. That seems to be a bit out of fashion these days. If the same folks wish to call their own critiques of Christianity and Christian leaders bigoted or "Christophobic" or "truthophobic" then I might be willing to listen to their glaring "double standard."
Christianity is often given a "rectal exam" on all fronts on rather petty, "out of context," Old Testament issues that aren't practiced by any modern denomination of Christians or Jews, for that matter, such as slavery or stoning of sinners. However, to my knowledge those two practices can be found in the Islamic world. Also, I don't recall seeing coverage recently of a Christian leader like Pat Robertson, the Pope, or any pastor sponsoring a terrorist attack on innocent women and children. Also, it seems Muslims are allowed to practice their religion quite freely in the USA, Canada, or Europe. However, again, we seem to have a little intolerance issue over in the Islamic world toward Christians and Jews.
So this posting endeavors to pose some tough questions for Islam. Perhaps, Muslims and misguided secularists and Christians might consider those before looking foolish in their critique of the absolute truth of the Bible and the divinity of Jesus Christ.
Some of the following questions have been answered extensively and others less so. This posting has been adapted from a letter to the editor I wrote back in 2003.
In the highly charged days since 9/11/01 a curious development is occurring. While our nation's Christian heritage is being eroded by secular humanism, false religions, apostate Christianity, and gross immorality, Islam is treated with "kid gloves." While Muslims clearly have the right to practice their religion(it should be noted Christians often don't in Islamic nations), I would like to ask some difficult questions about Islam and the prevailing misguided ecumenical approach to religion:
Why, in these times of increased terrorism in which the perpetrators are largely Muslim, is there not a greater scrutiny of the beliefs of this allegedly great religion? If it is the truth then it should withstand objective examination.
Are Islam and Christianity basically alike? This belief may feed "feel-good" secular values but that claim is nonsense. The Bible and the Koran are fundamentally different even though there may be superficial similarities. Islam radically and falsely claims Jesus was not even crucified, let alone risen from the dead and it further claims that Allah (not the true God) has not begotten a Son. Islam makes the false and blasphemous claim that Allah is the God of all human beings. Islam also "rejects the idea of trinity or such a unity of God which implies more than one God in one." According to my research, Allah is the moon god. In a televised teaching, Dr. Pat Robertson, noted that it seems that Allah resembles the false god, Baal that the Philistines worshipped in Old Testament times. I concur with Robertson. So there you go, even Islamic adherents recognize the inherent difference in the religions. They can't both be right! It's appalling that most Americans who claim to be Christian cave in the face of the false claims of Islam. I am confident that the god of this world, Satan, is ultimately behind this phenomenon.
Isn't Islam diametrically opposed to Christianity or antichrist? Despite the deceit by some Muslims and secular liberals about Christians, Jews, and Muslims being "people of the book" they are fundamentally at odds. As noted previously, Islam brazenly denies the Trinity. To deny the Trinity is to deny the divinity of Jesus Christ. I John 2:22-23 NIV declares, "Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a man is the antichrist--he denies the Father and the Son. No one who denies the Son has the Father; whoever acknowledges the Sone has the Father also." I am confident that the final antichrist will hail from an Islamic nation. According to my understanding of the book of Daniel, it seems he will come from Syria or a nation in that vicinity.
Is Islam truly inclusive, tolerant, and a religion of peace? The objective evidence responds with a resounding "No". Some American teens might say "whad ever". In Islamic countries it is a crime in many cases, for a Muslim to convert to another religion. Christians and Jews are treated like 2nd class citizens in these places. In the nation of Saudi Arabia, Christians and Jews are not even allowed in the supposedly holy city of Mecca. Also, in my personal experience, I was arrogantly rebuffed when I inquired about offering biblically-based consulting services in Saudi Arabia.
Is Islam being taught in some schools and universities while the mere mention of
Jesus makes many people uncomfortable? I would submit that the fundamental reason is that some liberals and secularists in the USA, as well as in other western nations, are truly "brothers of antichrist" under the skin with misguided Muslims. Is it possible that Osama bin Laden represents the true Islam? That seems obvious. But what about so-called moderate Muslims. In my own personal experience with a Muslim of Kurdish origin (a man many would describe as a moderate Muslim), I found a similar intolerance to truth. I invited this man to a Easter Sunday service years ago. This gentle, low-key man became visibly irritated. He said that Jesus did not even die on a cross. That reflects the true belief of Islam. I would say he is a "lukewarm" Muslim like many "lukewarm" Christians because he barely knew the Koran (couldn't point to one favorite verse). He further boasted that back in his native Kurdish Iraq his people often celebrated with Christians. However, you only had to scratch the surface to reveal his true colors. He became angry when I suggested that Allah was the moon god. I pointed out the fact that many Islamic nations had a moon on their flags. He couldn't respond except to get angry at me and accuse me of harassment.
Why can't an Islamic nation sustain democracy and liberty? I may stand corrected here. Turkey was doing it but it seems to be the exception, and definitely not the rule. Recently, even Turkey as adopted a fundamentalist Islamic approach. I have a theory about Turkey. My belief is that Islamic countries are under the tyranny of Islam, and ultimately Satan. I feel for these poor people. The Bible notes in II Corinthians 3:17 NIV, "Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." There is not freedom in Islamic countries because they restrict the true religion, Christianity.
Was Mohammed a pedophile and a bit of a terrorist himself? Did he deal deceitfully with his own tribe? According to my research, this is the case. I would encourage those who have the courage to accept the truth to research that one themselves.
If Islam is such a peaceful religion why hasn't there been an Islamic outcry against the suicide bombings against Israel and America? The short answer seems to be fear. Muslims, who know better, are afraid to speak out. Christians and Jews are infidels, at least when they aren't trying to deceive gullible American liberals with the "people of the book" nonsense. As the world is heading toward the final return of Jesus Christ, many will be hardened in their unbelief. The man of sin or the antichrist will precede Jesus' return, arriving as a counterfeit Messiah. Many Muslims may consider him their Messiah, or Mahdi. Again, this shows that Islam and Christianity are diametrically opposed. II Thessalonians 2:912 NIV notes, "The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness." Therefore, the antichrist will be God's judgment on an unbelieving world. Many in the western world who have rejected the freedom and truth of Jesus will be punished through the Antichrist.