Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Introductory Post - August 19, 2009

Welcome to the Lion's Den Society's blog. I'm Daniel O'Hara the founder of the Lion's Den Society. This is a ministry to help advance the kingdom of God at the end of this age.

It is my view that the signs of the times clearly point to the soon return of Jesus Christ. Being named after Daniel in the Lion's Den from Daniel 6:16-28, I feel the name, Lion's Den Society, is appropriate.

I believe many of the current signs point to the end of the age like increasing natural disasters, increasing globalization, and the worldwide preaching of the Gospel. Furthermore, the ancient prophet Daniel was instructed by the archangel Michael in Daniel 12:4 to "...seal up the book until the end of time..." Michael clarified the time of the end this way, "...many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase." Combined with other specific signs this ancient foreshadowing of a day when planes, trains, automobiles and ships would speed to and fro across the earth helps to provide concrete evidence that this is indeed the time of the end referred to by Michael.

It is my intention in this blog to comment on current events in the light of biblical prophecy, to provide insights and strategies into living effectively in these times, and to provide teachings on the Bible.